I took some pictures of the new house. It is shorter by 5 feet and lighter by 5,000 lbs. So that makes it easier to find places to camp and better for towing.
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We got up this morning and decided we would push on through the day to get to Pensacola early in the afternoon. The weather forecast suggested we would drive through bad weather if we waited. It was a difficult drive because of high winds but arrived in Pensacola and were all setup by 3pm. Whew!
The Sunnybrook is sold! We have traveled through 14 States, all in the Southeast and Southwest of the country for 6 years. We really loved the RV and will have great memories.
We waiting for the dealership to get our new 5th wheel in and ready for us to pick it up. The new 5th wheel is scheduled to head to Florida today. Weather and availability of movers may delay delivery, but it should arrive in Florida on Monday or Tuesday of next week. We should then get a call when to be at the dealership to get the new "house".
The couple buying the Sunnybrook needed a few days to get the money together. We are planning to meet next Tuesday to complete the sale. For a little while we will not have a "house". The ad was posted and just a couple of days later we had a good offer to buy the RV.
Just to be clear we have picked out the model RV we want have and know when it is projected to be in a dealership in Ocala FL. It meets all our must haves and wants. The offer for the Sunnybrook was 30% more than the trade in value that was offered from the dealership we plan to purchase the replacement. We were very happy with that. If everything goes well we will be saying goodbye to the Sunnybrook next week. We have been working hard to empty the Sunnybrook. Everything is coming out for the cleanup and to find what we have lost track of in the dozens of cabinets. It may be hard to believe but we had things in the RV we had forgotten was even with us. Part of the process is to downsize even further. The other reason is that we are selling our current RV and buying a new one as replacement.
AuthorWe are a couple who have started on a new adventure... Archives
August 2024
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